Certain Modiffications of (p, q)-Szasz-Mirakyan Operator
Vishnu Narayan Mishra, S. Pandey

Abstract. In this work, we present Chlodowsky variation of Szasz-Mirakyan-Stancu operators via (p; q) calculus and Szasz-Mirakyan-Baskakov-Stancu type operator. Here, we have calculated the moments and then formulated few properties which involves weighted approximation and direct estimates. For the particular case α = 0; β = 0; bn = 1; the previously known results for two parameter quantum-Szasz-Mirakyan operators are obtained.
KeyWords and Phrases: Szasz-Mirakyan operators, Approximation theory, Linear positive operators, (p; q) calculus.
2000 Mathematics Subject Classiffcations: 41A25, 41A35, 41A36


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